Portez l’apprentissage à un niveau supérieur

Improve your English and take college credit courses! This course is ideal if you are interested in art and media and want to try out a few courses or if you want to study more than just English while you are in Vancouver. If you are on a gap semester from your university or college in your home country, this 24-week program gives you great study abroad experience. After you improve your English, you select a specific applied arts area to take 4 courses (12 credits). When you take your college courses, you will be in classes with regular fulltime college students. Bonus: your credits are 100% transferable to a fulltime program at LaSalle College Vancouver. This is a unique study abroad opportunity with a LaSalle College Vancouver - Applied Arts Essentials Certificate upon completion!

Course structure

Part 1: General English or Academic English classes (13 weeks)

Monday to Thursday

General ou Academic English classes
(15, 21 or 30hr/week)

Friday PLUS

Two workshops, a field trip, a guest speaker and four applied language classes (your last eight weeks)

Part 2: Applied Arts Essential Certificate (11 weeks/one college term /12 credits)

Course length

24 weeks. You can book longer if your English is lower than required. Your Friday Plus activities take place in your last 8 weeks only. Your regular Fridays include our signature Free Friday Activity or a specialized class

Minimum Age

16 years

Recommended level

LCI Language School Level 5/Intermediate

Start dates

January, April, July, October

Experience required



This program does not require approval by the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU) of the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills. As such, PTIRU did not review this program.
